Coaches' Corner Volume 70: Coach Mike DiMatteo, Buffalo Grove, IL talks Option Football in an in-depth conversation with Host John Anderson.
Coach DiMatteo covers his philosophy and approach to play selection, scheme and coaching techniques for running the Triple Option Under
Center and from the Shotgun.
An information packed football coaching podcast that you definitely wont want to miss.
About the Guest on this Edition of Coaches Corner
Mike DiMatteo is the Head Football Coach at Buffalo Grove HS in Illinois.
Coach Mike DiMatteo previously was Head Coach at Hinsdale
Central, Hinsdale, MI and Lake Zurich H.S., Lake Zurich, IL. DiMatteo
recently released
a pair of videos available at Coaches
Choice and has written articles for, and later
served as Managing Editor of
Option Central
during his
days at Lake Zurich and Hinsdale, including one entitled Formulating